Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Water Storage = Earthquake and Emergency Preparedness

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Earthquake Preparedness - Water is the Key to Survival! 

Loss of safe drinking water is deadly. Most individuals will begin to experience side effects from dehydration after 36 hours. Starvation can be delayed by several days or weeks provided there is an ample, safe water supply.
At the bare minimum, you should store one gallon, per person, per day, for seven days . A three-week supply is ideal.
After an earthquake, city water is vulnerable to contaminants through ruptured pipes and adulterated filtering systems. Do not take adequate water supplies for granted. If you store an ample amount for your family beforehand, you've already greatly increased your family's chance of survival after an earthquake.

I noticed with interest this picture and quote about the conflict in LIBYA;
''Residents live on canned food and rainwater tanks,' he said. Gaddafi's brigades storm residential areas knowing that they won't be bombed there. 'People live in total darkness in terms of communications and electricity.'

So, this isn't Libya; I get it. But we do live in Earthquake country and the vast majority of people I question do not realize that their tap water depends on electricity. No power = no water. The majority have no food storage beyond whats in the freezer and on the pantry shelf.  To those who think that the government will be there on a white horse to protect them should remember hurricane Katrina and the horrendous suffering of those who choose to be in denial about the impending disaster they were warned about.

So in this post Japan, post Christchurch, post Chile earthquakes we should all take stock of our capabilities. We decided to fill this 67 gallon rain tank with potable water and bolt it to the garage wall. We have three months food rations and an additional 42 gallons of water in storage, as well as protection, first aid and battery powered communication chargers, lights and radios. We also have 10 gallons of propane fuel, 40 lbs of charcoal, fertilizer and fast growing leafy vegetables in storage.

 Consider ordering one of these slim tanks to mount inside your garage as emergency water storage. They are $268.00 each plus shipping if applicable and I pay all sales tax.

Here is what FEMA has to say;

How Much Water do I Need?

You should have at least a three-day supply of water and you should store at least one gallon of water per person per day. A normally active person needs at least one-half gallon of water daily just for drinking.
Additionally, in determining adequate quantities, take the following into account:
  • Individual needs vary, depending on age, physical condition, activity, diet, and climate.
  • Children, nursing mothers, and ill people need more water.
  • Very hot temperatures can double the amount of water needed.
  • A medical emergency might require additional water.

In more remote communities or those typically affected by wildfires a water storage system may be the only water that is available to save your home. Larger tanks can be equipped with a fire hydrant outlet that the pumper trucks can hook up to.

Saved water can save your home, and maybe even your life.